Dobrogea Sites - Halmyris (Murighiol)

2,5km East of Murighiol towards Dunovăţul de Jos, one can find the ruins of a roman fortress. Although in that region were found signs of inhabitation dating back to the Iron Age (the Getic settlement from IV-I centuries BC), the most visible remnants are from the Roman period.

Named Salmorus/Thalamonium by the romans the settlement dates back to the first centuries of our era, when it was located on the shores of the Halmyris gulf (the ancient Extrema Scythiae Minoris), knowing several stages in its existance: Roman castro (AD 1st to 3rd centuries), army camp for Classis Flavia Moesica, Late Roman fortress (completely reconstructed at the end of the 3rd century, marking the transformation into an urban settlement).

In the Paleo - Christian Basilica was found a martyr crypt (Sts. Epictet and Action - info in romanian), dating back to AD 290. They are the oldest martyr relics discovered on the territory of Romania. Nearby, a monastery is being built to celebrate the saints (they are celebrated on the 8th of July).

Unfortunately, the 2km road from Murighiol to the ruins isn't in its best shape (the earth road is better) and my car couldn't take it anymore that day, so sorry... no pictures of mine. But here are some official pictures and a short movie here.

And as usual, the location of the archaeological site on Google Maps.

Update 08/2009 - fresh new pictures from the location:

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